Using SOAP

SOAP is a simple, XML-based protocol for exchanging structured and type information on the Web. The protocol contains no application or transport semantics. So any transport protocol can be used to exchange XMLs between client and service applications. Now HTTP is commonly used for the purpose. SOAP specification describes only XML format of a request and response for applications that use it. A regular client can use http and simple XML parsing to reach a SOAP service. If your development environment, such as .NET, J2EE or any others supports SOAP protocol, you are ready to communicate with our services. Each XML Web service object is adhered Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file that describe a grammar of the object. AcrossCommunication WSDLs files are available at
Please have a look at the SOAP Object hierarchy:

: Personalizer
:: Session
::: Mail ::: FIles
::: Phone ::: Queue
::: ICQ  
::: MSN  
::: SMS  
::: Numeric Pager  
::: Fax  

All AcrossCommunications' objects can be reffered to 5 categories:

  • access control object(Personalizer)
  • execution context container (Session)
  • notifications (Mail, Phone, Fax, ICQ, MSN,SMS, NumericPager)
  • storage manager (Files)
  • asynchronous execution manager(Queue)
Every AcrossCommenications' object except Personaliser is identified by unique ID string that must be used as a first parameter of every method invoking.
When your application wants to consume our web services you have to create Personalizer object and invoke method CreateSession to create Session object. Then you can create required any "child" object like notification or storage object. All created objects live in Session context therefore if Session object is closing they are unconditionally destroying. After finish of using each every object (except Personalizer) it should be released by invoking Release method. If they will have not been released explicitly they will be released implicitly when Session is releasing. If Session object and his "children" are not active more then 5 minutes they will be released automatically by the server.
To trace errors it is strongly recommended to enclose your code in try-catch blocks. To find out possible errors please refer to Error Handling page.