

Send text message to destinaion

Call Method
    SendTextDocument (String NotificationID, String Number, String Text)
         Notification ID
         Target phone number
         Message Text
C# Example Switch to language: [VB.NET]
  //Create personalizer object and Session object
  PersonalizerRef.Personalizer pers = new PersonalizerRef.Personalizer() ;
  SessionRef.Session sess = new SessionRef.Session() ;
  string SessionID = "";
      SessionID = pers.CreateSession("LogonName", "Password");
      //Create Fax notification object
      FaxRef.Fax objFax = new FaxRef.Fax() ;
      // Create server notification object
      string FaxNotifID = sess.CreateFaxNotification(SessionID);
      //Send Text to fax syncronously
      objFax.SendTextDocument(FaxNotifID, "11005118196", "This is a simple fax notification text");
  catch(Exception e){
      //Print exception message e.Message