

Play digits

Call Method
    PlayDigits (String NotificationID, String Digits)
         Notification ID
         String with digits. # and * can be used
C# Example Switch to language: [VB.NET]
  //Create personalizer object and Session object
  PersonalizerRef.Personalizer pers = new PersonalizerRef.Personalizer() ;
  SessionRef.Session sess = new SessionRef.Session() ;
  string SessionID = "";
      SessionID = pers.CreateSession("LogonName", "Password");
      //Create Phone notification object
      PhoneRef.Phone objPhone = new PhoneRef.Phone() ;
      string PhoneNotifID = sess.CreatePhoneNotification(SessionID);
      objPhone.Say(PhoneNotifID, "Can you hear this text? If yes press 0.");
      string resp = objPhone.WaitDigits(PhoneNotifID,30,1,"#") ; //Get response from user
      objPhone.PlayDigits(PhoneNotifID,resp) ; //playback user response
      objPhone.HangUp(PhoneNotifID) ; // close connection
  catch(Exception e){
      //Print exception message e.Message