

Wait user response

Call Method
   Function WaitDigits (NotificationID As String, Timeout As int, MaxNumbers As int, LastDigits As String) As String
         Notification ID
         Specifies maximum timeout value for digits gathering operation
         Specifies maximum amount of digits to gather.
         Specifies terminating digits. Valid values ['0'-'9', '#', '*']
Return value
         Digits that was pressed on the phoneset keypad
VB.NET Example Switch to language: [C#]
  'Create personalizer object and Session object
  Dim pers As New PersonalizerRef.Personalizer()
  Dim sess As New SessionRef.Session()
  Dim SessionID As String = ""
      SessionID = pers.CreateSession("LogonName", "Password")
      'Create Phone notification object
      Dim objPhone As New PhoneRef.Phone()
      Dim PhoneNotifID As String = sess.CreatePhoneNotification(SessionID)
      objPhone.Say(PhoneNotifID, "Can you hear this text? If yes press 0.")
      Dim resp As String = objPhone.WaitDigits(PhoneNotifID,30,1,"#") 'Get response from user
      objPhone.PlayDigits(PhoneNotifID,resp) 'playback user response
      objPhone.HangUp(PhoneNotifID) ' close connection
  Catch e As Exception
      'Print exception message e.Message
  End Try