All AcrossCommunications' web services are reachable through "traditional" COM access. You can choose right SDK (Software Development Kit) which closer meets your requirements. Each SDK contains sufficient set of COM objects to utilize full power of AcrossCommunications' services. If you need all objects you can purchase the Bundle SDK which includes all stuffs.
To install purchased SDK you just have to run exe-file and follow instructions.

When your application wants to consume AcrossCommunications' web services you have to create Personalizer object and invoke method CreateSession to create Session object. Then you can create required any "child" object like notification or storage object. All created objects live in Session context therefore if Session object is closing they are unconditionally destroying. After finish of using every object (except Personalizer) it should be released by invoking Release method. If they will have not been released explicitly they will be released implicitly when Session is releasing. If Session object and his "children" are not active more then 5 minutes they will be released automatically by the server.

To trace errors is is strongly recommended to enclose your code in try-catch blocks. To find out possible errors please refer to Error Handling page.